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Let me introduce myself

I am Wendy, business founder, mum of three amazing & beautiful boys and an empowered woman who is on a mission to dive deep and live a full life of meaningful connection, by helping others on their journey. I have committed myself to lifelong personal development and learning, which in return my ever-increasing knowledge and skills runs in parallel to my ability to help others, which is ultimately my hearts goal.


My journey

Way back in 1999 I decided to sign up for a Beauty Specialist Diploma course at my local College. I had no intention of ever really using it, it was just something I was interested in. To my absolute joy and totally unexpected, I received The Stella Baxter Award for the Most Outstanding Beauty Specialist Student. In 2006 I completed Level 3 Advanced Diploma in Beauty Therapy, adding Aromatherapy and Indian Head Massage to my qualifications in between.


This was the beginning of an unexpected journey.

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I dabbled a little with these qualifications whilst my boys were very small but as they grew, I retrained and worked in Education up until 2017, when unforeseen circumstances forced me to take a pause and re-evaluate my life. Life threw me lots of curve balls at this time, I was juggling far too many plates and had more than enough balls in the air.


After some time away from my then career, I made a big decision not to return. At this stage I knew I needed to make some huge changes to my lifestyle for myself and for my family. The Universe surely was working in my favour, and I decided to embrace and put the skills I had learned in the Beauty & Holistic Industry to good use and took a scary leap of faith... Escape & Rebalance was born. This proved to be the very best leap of faith I have ever made and has changed my life for the better.


Since then, I have continued with further qualifications in various other massage techniques, Reiki, Body Balance Activation and became a Meditation Teacher. 2020 proved to be another chance to evolve and grow and sees me graduate as a Life Coach. I have also taken the opportunity to nurture my spirituality and learn Tarot & Oracle card reading and Crystal Healing Therapies to implement these wonderful tools into my offerings. I constantly want to improve personally and will continue to work on my self-development, not just for myself but for everyone around me, including you.


My aim is to provide a range of quality treatments and therapies in a safe and relaxed environment, which will support and encourage healing, growth, and equilibrium. Your wellbeing is always my priority.


I am passionate about treating the body, mind & soul as a whole. Supporting Clients to better manage stress and anxiety and seeking to regain and restore some balance to their lives as well as those who want to reach for the stars, but don't quite know where to start.    


With Love


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